
Cider Mill Press/HarperCollins Focus, 2024 - City Eats: Paris

Cider Mill Press, November 2023 - The French Bakery

Cider Mill Press, August 2023 - LA Cocktails

Cider Mill Press, December 2022 - Jewish Holiday Cooking

Pub Hound Press, October 2022 - Hysterical

Cider Mill Press, August 2022 - Mediterranean: The Ultimate Cookbook

Cider Mill Press, October 2021 - Jewish Food: The Ultimate Cookbook

Essays and Articles

Joplin Globe, June 2024 - With Memorial Hall, We’ll Get What We Pay For

Joplin Globe, May 2024 - A Third Thursday Revelations

Joplin Globe, April 2024 - The biggest change coming downtown is something you can’t see

Joplin Globe, February 2024 - Celebrate Black history all year long in downtown Joplin

JMag, January 2024 - Let Them Eat (Wedding) Cake!

JMag, January 2024 - So You’ve Been Invited to a Destination Wedding…

Joplin Globe, January 2024 - What to look forward to downtown in 2024

Joplin Globe, November 2023 - Anchor draws help connect people and place

Joplin Globe, June 2023 - Build a boutique hotel and they will come

Joplin Globe, March 2023 - Paradox at Ninth and Main streets

Joplin Globe, February 2023 - The one thing Joplin Union Depot won’t be

Joplin Globe, September 2022 - Long-term prosperity means building a Joplin for everyone

Represent Collaborative, September 2022 - Meet The Founders Of Mela

Joplin Globe, August 2022 - How Saving Downtown Saves The Planet

Joplin Globe, June 2022 - Is Downtown Joplin’s Future Female?

Represent Collaborative, May 2021 - Rest As Revolution

Design Milk, March 2021 - Architect Adaeze Cadet: Dream It, Work Hard, Grind ‘Til I Own It

Heated, January 2021 - When Mashed Potatoes Are The Gateway To Bigger Family Talks

San Francisco Chronicle, October 2020 - How Real is Netflix’s Emily in Paris?

San Francisco Chronicle, May 2020 - Bay Area restaurants and bars were the paying gigs for artists, but coronavirus ended that


Poetry and Fiction

Ghost City Press, 2021 - Earthquakes in Oklahoma

California’s Emerging Writers, 2019 - Window

The Meadow Annual Literary Arts Journal, 2017 - The City These Days


Content and Copy

Copy and Content Writer for VRAI (2021 - present)

Creative Director The French Collective (2020 - 2021)

Communications Manager for Crenn Dining Group (2018-2020)
